NLRB Postpones Poster Rule, Again


As we previously reported here, the National Labor Relations Board had postponed the implementation of the employee rights notice-posting requirement until April 20, 2012.

Yesterday, the NLRB decided not to implement the rule pending the resolution of conflicting federal court cases. Specifically, a District of Columbia Court of Appeals issued a temporary injunction to stop the implementation of the rule and a District Court in South Carolina had concluded that the NLRB did not have the authority to issue the poster rule.

As soon as a Court decision becomes final, and the NLRB decides to implement the new poster rule, we will let you know in advance so you can plan accordingly.

Should the NLRB’s decision is found to be a reasonable exercise of delegated executive power, employers would have to publish a 11 x 17 inches poster or two 8.5 by 11 inches poster to inform employees of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act. The official poster can be found here.